Entertainment or business promotion - what’s the difference?
You’re putting on a customer event which includes drinks and snacks. Your bookkeeper thought you should be entitled to reclaim the VAT on...
Extended exemption for separating couples
Timing trouble for couples . We previously told you about the government’s intention to allow married couples and civil partners extra...
Chancellor announces more than just tax cuts!
The so-called mini-Budget exceeded expectations on tax cuts but there was more in the new Chancellor’s statement than that. What do the...
Chancellor rolls back the clock on IR35
Among the surprising announcements made by the Chancellor in his mini-Budget was the cancellation of the changes made to the IR35 rules...
Shrink the tax bill on your investment bonds
An investment bond you bought a while ago is about to mature and pay you a large lump sum. Your financial advisor says there will be a...
Right to sole-trader losses when incorporating your business
The First-tier Tribunal (FTT) recently considered a claim for relief for losses made by a sole trader to reduce the tax payable on income...
New way to pay payroll taxes
HMRC has just launched its “variable payment plan” for employers. What is it and is it something you should consider signing up for? For...
Can gift donations land you with a tax bill?
Last year an individual’s taxable income fell substantially. Despite this he continued to make gift aid donations. He recently read a...
MTD ITSA record-keeping rules released
HMRC has at last published regulations for the record-keeping requirements for Making Tax Digital for Income Tax Self Assessment. What’s...
Interest on buy-to-lets - how much tax relief can you claim?
Working out the tax relief that you’re entitled to for interest you pay on your buy-to-let-related loans isn’t simple. How is it...